Tag Seizure
Gelastic Seizures: No Laughing Matter
CBD Oil and Medical Marijuana for Pediatric Seizures
Cocaine Toxicity in Children
Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome (FIRES)
Managing seizures and seizure disorders in children is a required skill for emergency medicine providers. Clearly we know to never let hypoglycemia fool us and to always consider other seizure mimics. Fortunately, most seizures will spontaneously resolve and then we…
Neurocysticercosis in Children
While the current COVID-19 pandemic has significantly reduced travel (especially for those of us in the USA… hmmm… who would have thought a US passport would be of such little value?) we are all acutely aware of the potential benefits…
Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus
Most chief complaints generate a clear Differential Diagnosis (Ddx) list in your mind. There are the well-known, “big ticket” issues that need to be considered (Abdominal Pain -> Appendicitis; Chest Pain -> Pericarditis; Headache -> Meningitis) as well as the…