The Inspiration

I owe a lot to those who have taught me (the wonderful educators at the University of Maryland). Without their support and encouragement and cajoling I would not have been able to obtain the wonderful job I have at Carolinas Medical Center.
The inspiration for the Pediatric EM Morsels was initially sparked while I was in residency, but it has been the residents, faculty and staff that I have the distinct honor to work with who continue to inspire me to want to learn more and continual strive to be a better physician. It is with this inspiration that I maintain this website.
Additionally, it is with the knowledge that others around the globe are equally invested in continuing on the educational journey that serves as the catalyst to develop new Morsels each week.
I hope that the Ped EM Morsels prove to be useful to all who provide care for children. Whether you are an EMS provider, a Nurse, a Nursing Student, a Nurse Practitioner, a Physician Assistant, a Medical Student, a Resident, a Toxicologist, a Pediatrician, an Emergency Physician, or just like to enhance your personal understanding of the vast world of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, I hope that you find these educational morsels tasty and satisfying!
Thank you all,
The posting on this site is my own opinion and doesn’t represent Atrium Health’s positions, strategies or opinions.
Simply Brilliant. Encompassing and extremely useful. Some may disagree but you might want to consider a future AI application integration.
Can you please add me to your weekly mailing list??
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Last week’s Morsel was sent out on Friday, but you can always review all of them on the website –
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Have a great day,
Could you kindly add my email to your weekly morsels.
Sure… just send your preferred email address to
Thank you
You can certainly be added to the email list. Simply email your preferred email address to
Thank you for your support,
Hey! Can I be added to the weekly distribution list as well? Thank you so much in advance!
Just starting viewing this webpage and loving it already! Need to share it
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Have a great day,
Thanks for your insight on Pediatric ECGs! Continue to send me those Morsels!
would love to be added to PedEMMorsels.
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Thank you,
Dear Sean Thanks for the wonderful website.
Can you please add me to your weekly mailing list?
Thank you for your interest in the PedEMMorsels!
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Last week’s Morsel was sent out on Friday, but you can always review all of them on the website –
You may also enjoy what is published at Take a look and consider subscribing to the podcast.
Have a great day,
Hey! Can I be added to the weekly distribution list as well? Thank you so much in advance!
Just starting viewing this webpage and loving it already!
Thank you for your interest in the PedEMMorsels!
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Have a great day,
May I please be added to the weekly distribution list? Thank you!
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Have a great day,
Wonderful website!!!!
thank you
I appreciate your kind words! I’m glad that you have found the website enjoyable and hope that it proves to be useful to you as well.
Thank you so much for your outstanding website. I visit it frequently and use each post as a checklist to make sure I don’t forget to think about everything.
Thank you for your appreciation!! I’ll strive to keep them useful.
Can I please be added to the weekly distribution list? Thanks!
I would be happy to add you to he list! Just send your preferred email address to
I have found that this is the best way for me to avoid all of the online spam issues.
Thank you for your interest in the PedEM Morsels!
This is amazing. Thanks for all the hard work putting this together. I am excited to be added to the weekly email list.
Please let me know if you ever have any specific topics or questions you’d like the Morsels to cover.
Can you add my email to the list so that I can get the weekly postings?
Thank you!
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Have a great day,