Tag Otitis Media
Cerumen Impaction
Certainly, knowing critical care topics (ex, ECMO in ED, Submersion Injuries, Optimize Chest Compressions, and Non-Invasive Ventilation) is vital to being effective in the ED, but mastery of less critical topics (ex, Rash Evaluation, Recurrent Abdominal Pain, Growth, Development, and…
Gradenigo’s Syndrome and Otitis Media
We have discussed how exciting the management of otitis media can be already (see Acute Otitis Media and AOM and Cochlear Implants). I know, continuing to overwhelm you with AOM information will not likely increase your viewership of the website;…
Acute Otitis Media and Cochlear Implant
Acute Otitis Media with Cochlear Implant Advancements in medicine can benefit our patients, but remember they can also complicate our decision making as a physician. In this case, that acute otitis media you are diagnosing may not be as simple…