Parvovirus is responsible for a variety of diseases in humans, including the well-known "fifth disease" in children, but it can also lead to more severe complications in certain individuals. Let's review.
Concussions are commonly encountered in children and emergency medicine providers need to know how to describe the return to learn and return to sport strategies. Let's take a minute to review the new recommendations.
The Post-Tonsillectomy Hemorrhage can be horrific! Let's review how to manage the mild and severe post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage presenting to the Emergency Department.
Pediatric Cervical Spine Injury Risk Stratification can be challenging. Let us review this and apply the newly validated PECARN predication rule for cervical spine injury after blunt trauma.
Forearm fractures are common in children, but their unique bony anatomy and physiology makes their management slightly different than their adult counterparts. Let's take a moment to digest a ReBaked Morsel on Pediatric Buckle and Greenstick Forearm Fractures.
Selecting the correct Endotracheal tube (ETT) in children often requires math and many will consider Cuffs vs Uncuffed. Let's make it easier. Do the math and select the Cuffed ETT.