Community Acquired Pneumonia
It is certainly the season for pneumonias (even my little daughter had a significant one – see above)… and you will encounter community acquired pneumonia… so, let’s talk therapy.
Large Disclaimer – there is no perfect recommendation that can easily be made to encompass all patients. Tailor the therapy for the individual patient: that being said, here is are suggestions to get you started on the right path.
Questions to Answer for yourself:
1) Outpatient vs Inpatient
2) Typical vs Atypical
- < 5yrs
- You suspect bacterial pneumonia
- Amoxicillin (90mg/kg/Day div BID) or Augmentin (45mg/kg/Day div BID) {use TID for pneumoccoci that is more resistant to penicillins}
- You suspect atypical pneumonia
- Azithromycin (yes, even in this age group)
- You suspect bacterial pneumonia
- 5yrs and older
- You suspect bacterial pneumonia
- Amoxicillin as above
- If you have evidence consistent with pneumococcal or atypical infection, then ADD a macrolide.
- If you suspect an atypical pneumonia
- Azithromycin
- You suspect bacterial pneumonia
- Fully immunized and low local penicillin resistance
- You suspect bacterial pneumonia
- Ampicillin or Penicillin or
- Ceftriaxone
- Add Vancomycin if CA-MRSA is a concern
- You suspect atypical pneumonia
- Azithromycin
- Add beta-lactam if your diagnosis is in doubt
- You suspect bacterial pneumonia
- Not fully immunized or with high local penicillin resistance
- You suspect bacterial pneumonia
- Ceftriaxone or Cefotaxime
- Add Vancomycin if CA-MRSA is a concern
- You suspect atypical pneumonia
- Azithromycin
- Add beta-lactam if you diagnosis is in doubt
- You suspect bacterial pneumonia