Tag dysuria
Pediatric Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
“Abdominal pain” is ubiquitous in the pediatric acute care setting. It’s list of potential causes are extensive and diverse. We have discussed many of these causes from acute (ex, appendicitis, intussusception, pancreatitis) to chronic (ex, CRAP). We have also discussed causes…
We have mentioned before how knowledge of some “less glamorous conditions” can really help make your day go more smoothly in the ED. Knowing how to manage rectal prolapse, constipation, recurrent abdominal pain, or cerumen impaction may not be what got you…
Urinalysis vs Dipstick (vs culture)
Urinalysis A Urinalysis consists of 3 components: Macroscopic (color, clarity, specific gravity) Reagent Strip (chemical analysis) Microscopic There is often variation in providers working regarding which method should be used to evaluate a patient for a…