Tag group A strep infection
We cannot afford to be cavalier in our jobs. What is, on the surface, seemingly simple, may be more complex. Take for example, the “Sore Throat.” Sure, it is likely “just a virus” (which we should never say out loud),…
Blistering Distal Dactylitis
Infectious diseases seem to be omnipresent in the Ped ED and, thus, have their own dedicated Category of the PedEMMorsels. Additionally, unusual dermatologic eruptions are also quite prevalently encountered when caring for children (see Approach to Rash). While individually each category…
We have previously addressed the notion that “Not All That Shakes is a Seizure.” Often, just by witnessing the “shaking” it is possible to lower the concern for seizures; however, refrain from being dismissive, as there are a number of…
Intertrigo – Group A Strep Infection
We are all familiar with the issues that surround the febrile infant and the appropriate work-up. Often our familiarity can lead to complacency. One area that we need to remain vigilant is in performing…