Trauma is always concerning in children, but we should not simply CT scan everyone. Is there a way to discern which pediatric patients have low risk intra-abdominal trauma? Let's take a minute to review.
Not all causes of Chest Pain in Children are benign. Costochondritis is not the cause of all Chest Pain in Children. Let's take minute to rebake a morsel on Chest Pain in Children.
Forearm fractures are common in children, but their unique bony anatomy and physiology makes their management slightly different than their adult counterparts. Let's take a moment to digest a ReBaked Morsel on Pediatric Buckle and Greenstick Forearm Fractures.
Tickborne Illnesses occur in more than just our backyards. International travel can increase a person's risk of contracting Tickborne Illnesses. Let's review Tickborne Illnesses and International Travel.
Inborn Errors of Metabolism can be challenging to diagnose and manage in the ED, but we should be familiar with the basic issues. Let's take a moment to rebake a morsel on this important topic of Inborn Errors of Metabolism presenting to the ED.