Tag Altered Mental Status
Cocaine Toxicity in Children
Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus
Most chief complaints generate a clear Differential Diagnosis (Ddx) list in your mind. There are the well-known, “big ticket” issues that need to be considered (Abdominal Pain -> Appendicitis; Chest Pain -> Pericarditis; Headache -> Meningitis) as well as the…
Loperamide Abuse and Overuse
There are many conditions to consider when dealing with a patient who presents with altered mental status. Is there a significant intracranial pathology (ex, AVM, Trauma)? Is there a serious bacterial infection? Is there a terrible abdominal catastrophe (ex, Intussusception)?…
Intussusception & Altered Mental Status
Evaluating the child with altered mental status can be very challenging. As with adults, there are a myriad of potential etiologies and it can be difficult to prioritize the order of the evaluation. Does this patient have an intracranial process…