Tag bacteremia
Roseville Criteria for Pediatric Fever
FEVER! It demands a lot of our attention when caring for children. Appropriately, it has also been baked into many delicious Morsels. Certainly, there are numerous Infectious Diseases to consider and, of course, there are concerns when we can’t discern…
Group B Strep (GBS): Early, Late, and Very Late
GBS, E. Coli, and Listeria: everyone is aware that those are the bad bugs we worry about in the sick neonate. We even, sometimes, worry about them in the well appearing neonate who is febrile (Never Trust a Neonate!). We…
Central Line and Fever
Yes. It is indubitable. Children will present for evaluation of fever. Many, if not most, will be well and likely have a self-limited illness (but, do NOT say “it’s just a virus”!). Some, however, will have fevers associated with other…
Poor Utility of WBC Count for the Evaluation of Fever
When I was a resident (Not that long ago people! Come on!!), I was taught by Dr. Mattu (@amalmattu) that the WBC Count is “the last bastion of the intellectually destitute.” These words were meant to encourage me to avoid…
Sickle Cell Disease and Fever
Sickle Cell Disease is a terrible disease and can be associated with many complications that cause patients to present to the emergency department. We have previously touched on several clinical issues related to sickle cell disease. We have covered Acute…