Parvovirus Infection In Children
Parvovirus is responsible for a variety of diseases in humans, including the well-known "fifth disease" in children, but it can also lead to more severe complications in certain individuals. Let's review.
I often think of our medical knowledge as a collection of cross-referenced manilla folders that are stored in giant drawers in a large web of neurons. In the beginning, those folders have labels but are filled with sparse information. Through…
We all know that I am not a “fan” of rashes and this is why I have a general “approach to pediatric rashes.” Part of this approach is perception of “sick vs not sick” and an assessment of the mucous…
Dermatologic eruptions (AKA rashes) exist on such an interesting spectrum – from unexciting to emergent. We’ve previously discussed my general approach to rashes (and occasional disdain for them). We have also reviewed our need to maintain vigilance for the potential…