Tag Sepsis

Necrotizing Fasciitis in Children

Necrotizing Fasciitis and Soft Tissue Infections

Soft tissue infections are commonly encountered when caring for children. From finger infections (Whitlow, Flexor Tenosynovitis) to faces (Periorbital cellulitis, Orbital cellulitis) and within pits and creases (Intertrigo, Perianal Strep), anywhere there is skin we may find an infection. Certainly,…

Short Gut Syndrome

Short Gut Syndrome

Sometimes it seems like the intestines are connected to every organ system as children present with abdominal complaints related to so many conditions. These can be intra-abdominal issues (ex, CRAP, Appendicitis, Intussusception, Hirschsprung’s) as well as extra-abdominal issues (ex, Strep Pharyngitis, Pneumonia, Testicular Torsion, HSP).  Unquestionably, the…