Diarrhea and the Petting Zoo
Now that it is “Summer Time”, and everyone is out of school (driving their respective parents crazy (or at least in my home)), there will be more frequent trips to the Zoo and to Pools. This effort to save some…
Now that it is “Summer Time”, and everyone is out of school (driving their respective parents crazy (or at least in my home)), there will be more frequent trips to the Zoo and to Pools. This effort to save some…
Working in the Pediatric ED will often make you the default expert in ALL realms of pediatrics. Even if the actual patient isn’t a child, the issue may revolve around concerns for a child… and you are the lucky one…
Often the first explanation / opinion a patient and family hear is the one that resonates the loudest and longest within their minds. This is why it is crucial that we give honest and well-informed perspectives. Recently, Dr. Elizabeth Weinstein…
Measles? Seriously, don’t we only need to talk about Measles in medical school during virology… RNA virus, funny spots in the mouth, blah, blah… next question… how can a Morsel on Measles be useful? We have eradicated Measles in the…
Certainly, we all are concerned about intussusception when we see a child with vomiting without diarrhea. But the management often seems to be different depending on the day of the week and the phase of the moon. Here’s my humble…
One of the most unique aspects of pediatrics is growth and development… and how these impact your evaluation. Even in the emergency department these must be considered. For instance, when determining if that 6 month old was able to crawl…
Naturally, we are all accustomed to evaluating children for rashes. Most often I am simply attempting to define the lack of characteristics that are concerning for more significant medical conditions (petechiae, purpura, vesicles, bull, target lesions, urticaria, desquamation). Then I consider…