Tag Acute Otitis Media
Neonatal Acute Otitis Media
Ears! They are the focus of many ED visits! Things get stuck in them (ex, Ear Canal Foreign Body, Cerumen). They can become inflamed from swimming (ex, Swimmer’s Ear). Infection, though, is what we most often encounter. We are all…
Vertigo in Children
No one likes to feel dizzy and, certainly, no one likes feeling as if the the room is spinning (unless you are competing in a game of Dizzy-Bat). When an adult has vertigo, I get queasy too. The severe causes can…
Cerumen Impaction
Certainly, knowing critical care topics (ex, ECMO in ED, Submersion Injuries, Optimize Chest Compressions, and Non-Invasive Ventilation) is vital to being effective in the ED, but mastery of less critical topics (ex, Rash Evaluation, Recurrent Abdominal Pain, Growth, Development, and…
The ART of medicine is much more difficult to learn than the science of medicine; however, it is through becoming comfortable with the “grey areas” that we often experience our greatest ability to help others. It is also what prevents…
Acute Mastoiditis – Conservative Management 2 Morsels ago (Yes you can mark the passage of time in “Morsels”) [HSP and Testicular Pain] we addressed some common themes of the Ped EM Morsels. This week will highlight one of these themes…
Acute Otitis Media
You may be rolling your eyes right now at the thought of reading about AOM. Certainly it is not as exciting to think about as Hirschsprung’s Enterocolitis and we see it so often there certainly can’t be anything new to…