Tag diarrhea
Stress Dose Steroids
Caring for patients is extremely rewarding… but it can also be rather Stressful. There are many complex math problems to solve and risk-benefit ratios to balance. Even the seemingly elementary problems can mentally taxing, especially in children who are prone…
Legionellosis in Children
Recently we discussed Urinary Retention in Kids and highlighted how this is not a condition that only affects adults and the elderly. Obviously, there are numerous examples of conditions typically segregated in our medical school texts as affecting only adults…
Infectious Diarrhea
Diarrhea is no joking matter (although it can be the butt of many jokes – see what I did there?). It causes a large burden to patients (ex, dehydration), care providers, and the healthcare system. Fortunately, more often than not,…
Small Bowel Intussusception
Intussusception is a common concern that we manage when faced with a child with abdominal pain and/or vomiting. We have discussed multiple aspects of the evaluation and management of intussusception (ex, Intussusception, Intussusception and HSP, Change in Mental Status, and…
Rectal Prolapse
Parental concerns, appropriately, drive a lot of the traffic to our Emergency Departments. Managing concerns and expectations is part of the art of what we do. When a child develops Rectal Prolapse, there are often a lot of concerns,…
Diarrhea and Dehydration
We have all been there: listening to the family describe, with great concern, the apparent tremendous volume of emesis that their child produced prompting the ED visit. Everyone is knowledgeable about “dehydration” and is aware of the potential dangers it…