Tag dyspnea
Ludwig’s Angina in Children
Pediatric head and neck infections are encountered commonly in the Emergency Department. While most often these will be relatively simple (although still annoying to the patient and family) like Acute Otitis Media, Otitis Externa, Sinusitis, or Pharyngitis, they can also become…
Endocarditis in Children
Many conditions may present subtly in children (ex, Inborn Errors of Metabolism, HUS, Pneumonia), but the subtle presentations of cardiac disease are often the most attention grabbing. We have previously discussed Subtle Signs of Heart Failure and Myocarditis. Let us take a…
Lemierre’s Syndrome
Carrying along with the theme of unusual conditions presenting as the common illnesses (see also Kawasaki Disease, HUS and many other Pediatric conditions), let’s bring to mind Lemierre’s Syndrome. • Jugular Vein Thrombosis (JVT) associated with an anaerobic infection in…