Tag viral illness
Homeopathic Remedies for Kids
One of the most common questions we get as pediatric emergency physicians is, “What can I do for my child’s cough?” or “How can I make this cough go away?” We like to recommend Honey for children over 12 months of age when…
Dengue Fever in Children
We know well by now that we should never say “It’s just a virus” as a way to assuage parental concerns. There are just too many viral infections that can prove to be problematic and won’t necessarily merely “go away”…
CounterBalance the COVID Chaos
When you think of “balance” do you think of a perfectly still scale or a yogi standing on one leg with appendages gracefully, equally extended? Certainly, those do represent balance, but those mostly reflect balance in a “quiet system.” The…
Eastern Equine Encephalitis
We have previously discussed how saying “It’s JUST a virus,” is not comforting to families and may undermine your credibility. For one, this phrase minimizes the family’s concern… and secondly, viruses can be quite problematic (ex, Influenza, Varicella, HSV, Reye’s…
Benign Acute Childhood Myositis
Previously, we have discussed the potential counterproductive effects of saying the phrase “It’s just a virus.” Aside from the perception that their child’s illness is “no big deal,” this phrase is also inaccurate as it implies that viral illness is…
Erythema Multiforme in Children
Parents pay a lot of attention to the skin of their child and, certainly, the skin exam is a valuable tool for the vigilant clinician (ex, Cap Refill, Petechiae below Nipple Line, Leukemia, RMSF). That being said, the majority of…