Tag weakness
Sickle Cell Disease and Stroke
Acute Flaccid Myelitis
Traumatic Vertebral Artery Dissection in Children
Oh, trampolines how I despise you. No, I am not a killjoy. Yes, I am a hypocrite (as I once enjoyed flinging myself through the air as I tried to test my immature abilities to avoid other human flying objects…
Tethered Cord in Children
It seems that my patients teach me something new almost every clinical shift. Perhaps it is because I am getting older and have forgotten a lot. Maybe I have just seen more to ask questions about. I would like to…
Myasthenia Gravis in Children
“Weakness” as a complaint has always caused me to feel a bit fatigued. The differential is quite large and sorting through it can be challenging. Is it related to a recent viral infection (ex, Guillain Barre)? Is it due to…
Multiple Sclerosis in Children
Evaluating children in the ED is challenging. They often have a difficult time describing specific symptoms. Moreover, the symptom description is commonly “interpreted” by a third party (that wild and crazy party otherwise known as their parents/guardians). This can make…