Tag encephalitis
Traveling Ticks: Tickborne Illnesses and International Travel
Eastern Equine Encephalitis
We have previously discussed how saying “It’s JUST a virus,” is not comforting to families and may undermine your credibility. For one, this phrase minimizes the family’s concern… and secondly, viruses can be quite problematic (ex, Influenza, Varicella, HSV, Reye’s…
Acute Cerebellar Ataxia
Hooven animals are complicated creatures (just like humans). They can be majestic, but rambunctious. They can be wild, yet tamed. In medicine, we often try to distinguish between them: Horses versus Zebras. While searching among the horses for the zebras,…
There are many conditions that are rarely encountered, but warrant great concern due to the level of morbidity and mortality associated with them. HSV comes to mind. RMSF is another good example. Some of these conditions were once more common,…
There are many conditions that I have learned about, yet never seen. Some conditions I was not wise enough to diagnose. Others conditions patient rarely develop have because of vaccinations! Unfortunately, despite vaccinations, there are still outbreaks of these important…