Tag pharyngitis
Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, cervical Adenitis (PFAPA) Syndrome
We cannot afford to be cavalier in our jobs. What is, on the surface, seemingly simple, may be more complex. Take for example, the “Sore Throat.” Sure, it is likely “just a virus” (which we should never say out loud),…
Ludwig’s Angina in Children
Pediatric head and neck infections are encountered commonly in the Emergency Department. While most often these will be relatively simple (although still annoying to the patient and family) like Acute Otitis Media, Otitis Externa, Sinusitis, or Pharyngitis, they can also become…
There are a number of conditions that were once very prevalent that immunizations have made less commonplace. While they may be less common, they may still occur and we should remain vigilant for them (see, Measles, Mumps, Tetanus, Pertussis). Recently,…
Your patient has a sore throat. You have entertained a variety of conditions, including strep pharyngitis and even gone so far as considering Lemierre’s Syndrome, but now really believe that this is Infectious Mononucleosis (IM). What should you know? Mono Basics…