Apt-Test for Neonatal Hematemesis
We all are well aware that there are many perils and pitfalls awaiting those who choose to trust a neonate. It is not that the neonate is innately malicious or malingering. She or he is clearly not determined to be…
We all are well aware that there are many perils and pitfalls awaiting those who choose to trust a neonate. It is not that the neonate is innately malicious or malingering. She or he is clearly not determined to be…
Children occasionally deal with “adult” medical problems (ex, Pulmonary Embolism, Cholecystitis, Renal Stones, DVTs) and, hence, may require medications that we don’t typically encounter in the pediatric patient populations. One of my least favorite medications seen on the adult and…
The skin is the largest organ, yet we often undervalue its importance. Ok, maybe it is just me being less than comfortable with all of the oddities that can present with skin findings (ex, pyoderma gangrenosum). This is why I…
Discussion of bleeding and bleeding disorders always garners attention. We have recently covered hemophilia, ITP, and hemorrhagic disease of the newborn, but let us turn our attention to the most prevalent bleeding disorder: Von Willebrand Disease. Certainly, making the diagnosis…
I think that we would all agree that “bleeding” as the chief complaint catches your attention in the Peds ED (or any ED for that matter). We have previously covered Post-Tonsillectomy Hemorrhage, oropharyngeal trauma, Hemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn, ITP and the…