Tag Constipation
Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome and Cystic Fibrosis
Sigmoid Volvulus
The threat of impending intestinal catastrophes is always lurking in the Pediatric ED. It is contemplated with each patient with abdominal pain or vomiting. While the symptoms may be related to non-emergent etiologies (ex, CRAP, Epiploic Appendagitis), our vigilant minds…
Tubo-Ovarian Abscess in Children
We are aware that obtaining a good social history is important and asking about sexual activity may change the evaluation of a patient, particularly the teenage child. Certainly, our jobs would be easier if there were no concerns for alcohol…
Honey for Cough
Cough is a very common symptom in children. Certainly, we need to consider that an ominous cause may be lurking (Asthma, Occult Aspirated Foreign Body, Croup, Sinusitis, Pneumonia, Acute Chest Syndrome, etc.). Most often, though, the cough is due to a…
Constipation – It’s a dirty job, …
We evaluate a lot of patients with abdominal pain. We are actively search for appendicitis and get a slight sense of self-satisfaction when we diagnose it. Conversely, constipation is many times the default diagnosis in the patient with unclear…