Tag Syncope
Short QT Syndrome in Children
Syncope is a common presentation in the Pediatric ED. While often it will be due to a benign etiology (ex, Hair Grooming Syncope), we know that there are many concerning conditions that we must consider. In the course of our…
Vertigo in Children
No one likes to feel dizzy and, certainly, no one likes feeling as if the the room is spinning (unless you are competing in a game of Dizzy-Bat). When an adult has vertigo, I get queasy too. The severe causes can…
Pediatric ECG
Electrocardiograms are fun to look at: like abstract art that hangs in a fancy museum, their beauty is often in the eye of the beholder. That being said, they are a vital tool to interpret. There are several situations when…
POTS: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
Syncope occurring in children is often encountered. We have previously discussed the basics of pediatric syncope and even touched on some interesting entities related to syncope (ex, Hair Grooming, Breath Holding Spell, Brugada, Prolonged qTC, Sinus Bradycardia, and Heat Related Illness).…
Breath Holding Spell
Kids do odd things. Some of these “odd things” we attribute to exploring and learning about the world (ex, putting objects in nostrils, ears, or mouth). Other times the “odd conditions” are not quite explained, but are well described as…
Brugada in Children
Syncope is a rather common presentation in the Pediatric ED. While the etiology is most often a benign one, our vigilance assists us in detecting some of the more concerning entities. Yes, the episode may have been caused by Hair-Grooming,…