Tag respiratory distress
Fat Embolism Syndrome in Children
Ok, so maybe Homer has the wrong idea about “Fat Embolism”… I think he should be more worried about a devastating Food Impaction… but, with the Holidays upon us and the prevalence of fatty foods surrounding, me I began to…
Late-Presenting Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Part of the challenge with evaluating children is the ever present concern for an unusual emergent condition masquerading as a common condition with non-specific symptoms. It is, thus, important for us to remain vigilant for these conditions, while proceeding in…
Huffing Hydrocarbons: Inhalant Abuse
Substance abuse is not only an adult patient problem. Alcohol and illegal drug abuse, unfortunately, also afflicts our pediatric population too. While many of us are accustomed to dealing with the ramifications of such substance abuse in our patients, teenagers…
Pleural Effusion and ReExpansion Pulmonary Edema
Respiratory Distress is a common emergent complaint encountered when caring for children. Whether it is Out of Control Asthma or Pneumonia, or Severe Croup or Aspirated Foreign Bodies, or Bronchiolitis or Heart Failure, or Spontaneous Pneumothorax or Traumatic Pneumothorax … (goodness, that is a…
B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) use in Children
We doctors love to order tests, often only to confirm things we already know. Did that lactate level for the child in SHOCK help your decision to start vasopressors? Better yet, did that WBC count really help us determine whether the…
Honey for Cough
Cough is a very common symptom in children. Certainly, we need to consider that an ominous cause may be lurking (Asthma, Occult Aspirated Foreign Body, Croup, Sinusitis, Pneumonia, Acute Chest Syndrome, etc.). Most often, though, the cough is due to a…