Tag thrombosis
May-Thurner Syndrome in Children
Deep Venous Thrombosis
Over the years, the Ped EM Morsels have addressed several conditions that historically are considered to be “adult” problems, but are actually concerns that we may need to have for children also (ex, Cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis, Pulmonary Embolism, Glaucoma, Sigmoid Volvulus,…
Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
I was always taught to have a very healthy respect for infections of the Hands, Feet, or Face. Certainly, the infection itself can be problematic (tenosynovitis, plantar puncture, sinusitis, otitis media), but those particular areas have lots of very delicate…
Pediatric Behcet’s Disease
There are numerous conditions that we all learned about in medical school, but then quickly allowed to fall to the deep recesses of our mind (some of us may find to difficult to find them in those chasms now). While…
Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
The patient complaint of “headache” often causes me to have a headache. There are so many things to ponder. We have previously covered some important conditions to consider when evaluating headache (ex, AVM, RMSF, Meningitis, Post-LP, Moyamoya, Migraine, Pseudotumor, and Pheochromocytoma).…
Occluded Vascular Catheter
Children with chronic medical problems may require a variety of specialized tools, but what do you do when those tools become the problem. We have previously reviewed issues with Baclofen Pumps as well as Vagal Nerve Stimulators. We have also…